
Emulation on switch
Emulation on switch

emulation on switch

This Ubuntu install is based on NVIDIA’s Linux for Tegra (L4T) package, which affords some performance gains over Android installations on the same hardware. Nintendo has traditionally kept its consoles fairly locked down, though, even in the face of some truly impressive efforts so it’s always a treat to see the open-source OS run relatively smoothly on the console.

emulation on switch

We love seeing Linux run on basically anything with a processor. Of that testing, some of the best performance he’s seen makes use of the Dolphin emulator running in Ubuntu Linux, and he has made a tutorial video documenting how to build the project, as well as how to make some performance tweaks to get the most out of the mod.

emulation on switch

Has made a habit of trying out various emulation methods on his Nintendo Switch and recording the results for our benefit.

Emulation on switch